Friday, September 19, 2014

Reflections on September 19th

*Today was “International Talk Like a Pirate Day”.  I tried honoring this all day.  I got some strange looks at the gym and the drive thru window at Chick Fil A.  However it was very effective at Krispy Kreme.   It was not a big issue at work.  The family found it a little annoying though.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Reflections on Thursday September 18th

*I got an email today from K-Mart wishing me a happy half birthday.  I have never thought about my half birthday before.  I don’t think I have had anyone tell me that before in person and especially not via an email.  They gave me some extra reward points to use on any purchase I made there by 9/24.  This could be the start of something big.  Half birthday parties, gifts and of course cake!  I’m in.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Reflections on Wednesday September 17th

* Every birthday for our children we have a tradition of waking them up by singing happy birthday while capturing it on video.  I think we have every year.  Today was the 16th time we were able to do this for our daughter.  Hard to believe that it might only be a couple of more years of being able to do this. 

* Today was a glorious day!  It was announced there is going to be a Trader Joe’s in Birmingham.  I am so excited about this!  No more hauling stuff back from Atlanta, Nashville and Raleigh.  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  Trader Joes!

* I missed working out this morning so I could do the traditional wake up birthday video event.   Even though I would not have missed that for the world I still felt guilty not working out. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Reflections on Tuesday September 16th

*Tomorrow I will be the father of a 16 year old.  Kennedy Chesney was so right when he sang Don't Blink.  

*I have decided to buy a bulk shipment of Wicked Whoopie Pies.   The experience from Monday has carried over to Tuesday.

*My daughter's volleyball team played against my old high school tonight.  I used to think I would never cheer against my old high school.  Boy was I wrong.  

Monday, September 15, 2014

Reflections on Monday September 15th 2014

*My kids are getting too old for me to use them as an excuse to watch animated cartoons. 

*It's really great to walk into a Monday and leave the day with Wicked Whoopie Pies directly from Maine.  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Reflections on Sunday September 14th 2014

*I wish we could go back to when ISIS only stood for a Saturday morning TV show....#shazam

*I used to work Yoga/Pilates into my workout schedule but then running took priority.  It was not too long that I started getting injuried more often.  I've worked it back into my schedule.  I have already noticed a difference.  #iamabeliever.

*I caught the season finale of Hot In Cleveland this morning.  I have not seen it in awhile.  It was always a funny show but this one was over the top awesome.  Where else can you see Luke Perry with an extra nose on his forehead, two cast members from Newsradio and the mom from Happy Days playing  an old flame of Betty White who had a sex change?  Of course Betty White continues to steal the show.

*This afternoon I was working out in the yard and had both garage doors open.  I heard a panicked chirping sound in the garage.  A humming bird had flown into the garage and could not get out.  I was not sure how to get it out without harming it.  I grabbed a broom hoping to guide it out of the garage.  That was not working well until the humming bird decided to land on top of the broom.  I was able to guide it out and it flew away. #gooddeedfortheday.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Reflections on Saturday September 13th 2014

*Red Mountain Park is a true treasure.  It is so nice to have this incredible gift.

*I ran a 9 mile trail race this morning at Red Mountain Park.  I decided to sign up for it on Thursday night. I feel truly blessed that I have the physical ability to just sign up and run a race like this at the last minute.  

*Tonight we had nacho cheese taco shells.  What a great concept. I highly recommend these.

Reflections on Friday September 12th 2014

*Redbox is great except when you reserve a movie, go to pick it up and the box is out of service. #fail.

*Bodily functions and parts should not be made into candy.

*i think Oreo has #jumpedtheshark on coming up with different flavors.