Friday, June 21, 2013

Hey N.S.A. Read my blog!

There has been a lot of discussion lately about the N.S.A. (National Security Agency for those of you that are acronymically challenged) monitoring emails and other various forms of communication.  As a blog “newbie” I say the more the merrier.  I could use a few more people looking at what I am posting.  Actually I welcome it.  You gotta figure once one person reads something at the NSA they gotta pass it onto their supervisor who has to pass it on to their supervisor.  C’mon it is the Government.  I also think there is a great opportunity with the NSA looking at emails.  95% of my emails are junk.  I get emails about this sale or that event.  I subscribe to Runner’s World and made the mistake of giving them my email address.  I get at least six emails a day about some book they are trying to push.  This morning I got about ten emails with “Breaking News” in the subject announcing the name of Kim and Kanye’s baby…..North West… really?     All I would ask of the NSA is if you’re going to read my emails at least delete them for me especially all of the worthless ones.   

No really, I get the whole privacy thing but if you think about it our lives have really become more public by our choice.  Many of us willingly sign up for Facebook, Twitter, etc.  Seriously people it’s called the World Wide Web.   And cell phones, do you think that’s private?  Any of you who watch 48 Hours, Dateline or any other real crime shows know they can track your every move when you “ping” a cell phone tower.  I run with a GPS watch, talk about creepy.  You run your miles and plug your watch into a computer and it knows everywhere you ran and what pace you ran it at.  Every store has cameras now and most busy street corners do as well.    I think Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty would say it best if you asked him.  “Man, I don’t care if it’s the NSA, FBI, ACC, SEC, ABC, DEF, or GHI.”  “Just bring it all on like Donkey Kong!”   Ok, maybe he would not say that but I have been trying to work an Uncle Si quote into a blog all week. 

Yes, there is a complicated and fine line between our nation’s security, right to privacy and crossing over into George Orwell’s 1984 territory.  Some of these invasions into our privacy come with welcomed benefits and some are somewhat disturbing.  Maybe some of these lines have been crossed maybe not.   In theory you can still take yourself “off the grid” you can choose not to have a cell phone; you can choose not to use the internet.   Most of us would not find this to be very practical and very inconvenient.

BTW, North West, best of luck as you start your life, you’re gonna need it.

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