Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fruits of My Labor

Every year I have a small vegetable garden in my backyard.  No matter how busy I am, I make the time to do this. There is something special about planting seeds or small plants and getting food from these plants a few months later. 

Some years have been better than others as far as what comes out of the garden.  I always start the garden with lofty ambitions.  I always plant the basics. Tomatoes and cucumbers always make the list. I also usually plant some herbs. Basil, thyme, rosemary and parsley are usually on that list.  Then I usually get ambitious and try other plants/seeds that Lowe's might have.  I have tried corn, okra, squash, watermelon, cantaloupe, beans and peppers.  Some years I have been successful with these but most of the time they have been a bust. 

This year I did tone down my ambitious plans and went with tomatoes (large and cherry), cucumbers, green peppers, squash, egg plants, and pumpkin.  Now that I see this in writing I really was not that conservative was I?  

I do have to say the pumpkin plant was not purchased.  At the end of Halloween last year, I put one of the pumpkins we got in a bucket. It slowly decomposed and before I knew it a new pumpkin vine was sprouting.  It looked really good for a long time.  I transplanted it in the garden and I thought this might work.  But then we had a few hot days and the vine wilted away. Same goes for the squash vines.  The eggplants are hanging in and so are the peppers.  The cucumbers are struggling but we have gotten a few from the vine to eat.  Now, the tomatoes are jamming!  We are getting a huge harvest this year.  It's hard to beat a homegrown tomato. 

Here's a few pictures of the garden and the tomatoes. 

I certainly have enough positive feedback from this year's crop to try something different next year.  Anybody know where I can get a banana tree?

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