Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hey Publix! This Flavor Rocks!!!

This past weekend I was at my local Publix picking up a few things.  As usual the last stop I make is to the ice cream section to check and see what ice cream they have on sale.  This week they had their house brand on sale.  At most other grocery stores that would be a real downer but not at Publix. Their house brand ice cream is AWESOME!  In the past my favorite flavor has been Chocolate Trinity.  It is some of the best chocolate ice cream I have ever had.  They have a pretty good Moose Tracks as well.  And their Cherry Chocolate Chip ice cream is nothing to sneeze at.

This weekend I discovered a flavor of ice cream called Chocolate Cookie Quarry.  Wow!  It's chocolate ice cream with a Oreo type cookie mixed in.  Instead of it just being chunks of the cookie they somehow figured out how to pulverize the cookie when they mixed it into the ice cream.  It's a taste that is hard to describe.  

Now let me even amaze you even more. The Chocolate Cookie Quarry is not ice cream at all...it's FROZEN YOGURT!  I picked it up not realizing this.  The flavor just sounded awesome.  My first bowl of this frozen yogurt made me loudly proclaim "this is the best ice cream ever!"   The next night I went to grab another bowl and noticed on the carton that it was frozen yogurt.   So then I loudly proclaimed "this is the best frozen yogurt ever!"  My family thought I was really weird but I make no apologies when it comes to ice cream or in this case frozen yogurt.

Great job Publix.  It's going to take a lot to top this flavor!

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