I took a week off and did not exercise Sunday through Friday due to this calf injury thing I have going on. Well, almost a week. By Saturday I felt like a real slacker. I decided to see if I my six days off was enough. I went to my local gym lifted a few weights and then hit the indoor track for a three mile jaunt. I wore one compression sock on the bad calf. And yes, wearing one compression sock is funnier looking than wearing two. I ran a good pace and felt pretty good. On my third mile I decided to turn it up some and run at a quicker pace. Another guy was running on the track who was much younger than me. I passed him on the second lap of my last mile. I could hear him behind me on the remaining laps. I kept the pace up and he never passed me. My last mile was the fastest of the three I ran. I know it had to do with me not wanting to get passed. As I was leaving the gym the guy that was running behind me, asked how much I had run and told me he had been trying to keep up with me. That was a good feeling.
When I got home my oldest child wanted to go walking at Veteran's Park. I still felt pretty good so I changed into my trail shoes and off we went. We ended up walking over three miles. It took about an hour to do that and I got to spend some quality time talking with my oldest.
These two runs, one was really a walk, were a good start to getting back on track. The first run really made me realize that when I get pushed a little bit I perform better. Now I just need to figure out how to internally motivate and push myself every time I run and/or workout.
Funny thing happened after we finished our walk. I forgot to stop my GPS watch. It was a very cool day so I had the window down when we drove off. I never lost the signal. A half mile down the road I heard my watch beep to let me know I hit my fourth mile. Needless to say that was my best half mile split of the day!
Haha that's funny!!!