Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Gas Stations

I remember when you pumped gas it was all full service. For you "youngins" out there this means the only way to get gas was to pull into a gas station between the hours of 7:00 to 7:00 Monday-Saturday. Yes, that means don't run out of gas on Sunday because most stations were not open. Then a person would come out ask how much gas you wanted and what kind. Then while the gas was pumping the guy or sometimes guys would check your oil, clean your windshield and check your tires. It was like a mini car safety check every time you got gas. 

Gas stations just sold gas. Many of them also serviced your car but that was about it. Maybe, they might have a Coke machine. But you had to have correct change and the machines had glass bottles that had to be kept at the station so they could be refilled. Cars did not have cup holders so you did not have a place to keep one anyway. Oh yeah some stations might have a candy machine. But it only had about five things to choose from.

So now fast forward to 2013. Full service is a novelty and very hard to find. 
There are no more stations. They are now all attached to convenience stores. Ironically these convenience stores sell just about everything except automotive items like motor oil. 

Now you might think I miss the days of full service stations that just sold gas, serviced your car and had full service pumps. Not really. I like the way it is now. I like getting gas when it's convenient for me. I like pumping the gas. I don't mind going somewhere else to get my car worked on. I like having the option of just putting my card in at the fuel pump, pumping the gas, getting my receipt, getting my receipt, getting my receipt....wait no receipt? Yes, after everything that has changed in how we get gas my one pet peeve is a station not replacing the receipt tape. I like getting my receipt when I make a purchase. How hard is it not to replace this? Perhaps one day you can have the receipt emailed to you that way loading the paper falls into your responsibility. 

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