Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thirty Days of Red Mountain Squatch and Counting

A little over thirty days ago during a Saturday morning run at Red Mountain Park I decided to start a blog.  Something I had never thought about doing before.  It's amazing what pops into your head while you run.  I have learned a lot about the whole blog process these past thirty days.  I have to say so far it has been a lot of fun.  I had no idea what kind of feedback, if any, I would get doing this. 

Here are a few things I have learned since starting this process:

:I was very surprised how easy it is to set a blog up.  I am somewhat computer literate but I have always been intimidated on the whole web design process.  The formating of a blog (colors, background, posting, pictures etc) is pretty easy to do.

:The statistical information that you get is fascinating.  I never knew you get to see how many views you get on your blog and the views you get on specific posts.  The ability to know what parts of the world are viewing your blog fascinates me.  Should I be concerned that 10% of my views are from Russia?

:I never really knew how the whole domain name process worked.  Where to get one. How much it cost. How to tie a domain name into another one. 

I have enjoyed the feedback I have received so far.  The comments have been very positive and constructive.  It has been surprising to me which posts have had the most views.  My highest view post has been the one I did on stickers.  Here is a link in case you missed it.

One of the lowest viewed post was this one. 

One of my favorite post to write was the one about the Peavine Falls Race.  This is one of my favorite races to run and I always feel a sense of accomplishment when I run this race.

I was also very grateful and fortunate to have a guest post on Through Heathers Looking Glass (  I received a lot of great feedback. 

I am pretty satisfied with my first thirty days of doing this.  However I know this process is similar to when I first started to become a runner.  There are going to be a lot of firsts at the beginning and that helps to keep you motivated.  As you continue the process the length between firsts or "PR's" are fewer and far between. 

I hope to continue growing the site and making it more informative and entertaining at the same time.

Stay tuned........

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